If you no longer wish to use your account and want your data permanently deleted, follow these steps:
- From your computer or mobile, log into your account and navigate to your Settings (☰).
- Under the Account info section, scroll down and click Close account.
- Tell us why you are closing your account and click Next.
- Lastly, click Delete account.
When you permanently delete:
- Your data will be deleted within 30 days. Log in anytime before then to recover it. See the list below:
- Name
- Phone number
- Location
- Your subscription will be cancelled, and you will not be charged again.
- Your profile(s) will be deleted from the site.
We take data privacy seriously and want to assure you that the personal information associated with your account will be permanently removed from our records. Our standard practice is to securely delete personal data within 30 days from the date of deletion. Note: if you log back into your account before the 30-days, it will be reactivated.