To call a match through TeleSafe, you must verify your phone number. For instructions on how to verify your phone number, see How do I verify my phone number?
Once your phone number is verified, you can place a call in one of the two following ways:
From a matches profile:
- Open the profile of the person you want to contact and click Call on Phone.
- Next, you will be taken to a new page where you can call your match using your browser or mobile phone.
- To call through your browser, simply click Call now. The call should begin immediately; if it does not, make sure you have allowed the site access to your device's microphone.
- To call using your phone, dial the toll-free 1-855 number and listen for the prompt asking you to enter a unique PIN. Once you enter the pin, the call will begin.
Note: All pins expire after 4 hours. After 4 hours, if you intend to call the user, you need to return to their profile and generate a new pin.
From a message in your Inbox:
- Navigate to your Inbox and open the conversation with the person you want to call.
- On desktop, in the menu bar of the conversation, you will see the phone icon
. On mobile, this icon is located under
. Select
and you will be redirected to a new page where you can call your match using your browser or mobile phone.
- To call through your browser, simply click "Call now." The call should begin immediately; if it does not, make sure you have allowed the site access to your device's microphone.
- To call using your phone, dial the toll-free 1-855 number and listen for the prompt asking you to enter the unique 5-digit pin. Once you enter the pin, the call will begin.
Note: All pins expire after 4 hours. After 4 hours, if you intend to call the user, you need to return to their profile and generate a new pin.
A call cannot be placed if a match has not confirmed the number on their account or if they made an error entering their number. Please note that we are unable to verify phone numbers for you.
Only mobile phones can be used when verifying your phone number or using TeleSafe. Landlines will not function.