Archiving conversations you no longer need immediate access to is an excellent way to maintain an organized inbox. By archiving messages, you move older or less relevant conversations to a separate tab, allowing your main inbox to focus on current interactions.
Steps to Archive a Conversation
Go to Your Inbox: Start by logging into your account and navigating to your inbox where all your conversations are listed.
Select the Conversation: Find and click on the conversation that you want to archive.
Archive the Conversation: Look for a small box icon located in the top right corner of the conversation window. Clicking this will immediately move the conversation from your main inbox to the Archived tab.
Recovering Archived Conversations
- Mistakenly Archived?: If you change your mind or accidentally archive a conversation, it's easy to reverse. Just go to your inbox and look for the “Archived” tab, which you'll find just above your list of conversations. Click on this tab, then find and open the conversation you wish to move back to your main inbox. Once the conversation window is open, simply click on the “Unarchive” option. Your conversation will be moved back to your main inbox immediately."
Archiving is a straightforward way to keep your inbox clutter-free and focused on conversations that require your immediate attention.