When an employer reaches out to you, you'll notice when opening their message, the options to select 'Interested' or 'Not interested.' Here's how they work and how you can manage your responses.
The First Step in Communication
- Before you can reply, you need to click either 'Interested' or 'Not Interested.'
- This system helps you manage your conversations and keeps your inbox focused on potential opportunities.
What Happens When You Choose
- Interested: If you're keen on the opportunity, click "Interested." The conversation stays in your inbox, and you can proceed to reply to the employer.
- Not interested: Selecting "Not interested" moves the conversation to your 'Archived.' This is helpful if you want to keep your inbox neat but still have a record of past interactions.
Need to Send a Message After Choosing Not Interested?
If you've clicked "Not interested" but still want to send a message to the employer (maybe to explain why the opportunity isn't right for you), there's a workaround.
- Click "Interested" first. Go ahead and select "Interested."
- Next, type your message in the space provided and hit 'send'.
- After sending your message, you can now move the conversation to 'Archived' to keep your inbox tidy.
Tips for Effective Communication
- Take Your Time: Before making a selection, review the employer's message and consider your response.
- Keep Records: Archived messages are a useful record of your interactions and can be referred back to if needed.
Remember, the "Interested" and "Not interested" feature is designed to make your job search more efficient. It helps you prioritize potential jobs and manage your conversations with ease.