The best way to ensure you find a position suited for your skills is to be sure that you have accurately advertised all of your capabilities upfront. When you are creating your profile, make sure to outline all of your skills and qualifications in your profile’s description so that any employer who sees your listing will know exactly what you are able to do.
Start by outlining your previous experience in similar roles and then listing your skills in relation to the type of work you are looking for, on your profile. If you have any certifications, it is also a great idea to list these. Let your personality shine!
In addition, be sure you are honest about the wage you are expecting for your services. If you feel that you need to make a certain amount, add this into your profile so that only employers who are willing to pay the wage you are seeking will reach out. If your wage is negotiable, be sure to state this instead. You can edit your wage expectations at any time through your Settings.
Unsure of what your wage should be? Research the going rate for the services you are providing, read through our Housekeeper cost guide, and check your local government website for the current minimum wage.
Do not forget to be yourself and be unique. Don’t try to make your profile sound like everyone else. Show your personality and make your profile stand out by highlighting who you are as a person. Showing employers your personality will help ensure you find a good fit and will not clash with them once hired.