If you have found a position that you are interested in applying for, the best thing to do is reach out and send them a message. The best messages will show your excitement for the role, touch on your qualifications and experience, as well as show that you read and understood the requirements outlined in their listing.
Be sure to start the message off with a greeting and introduce yourself just like you would if you were meeting them in person for the first time. Continue by stating how you would excel in this position and back it up with relevant work experience. Closeout the message by asking if they would be available for a quick call to discuss the position further; this shows initiative and can help get the ball rolling a lot faster.
Additionally, when sending a message, be sure to double-check it for spelling and grammar, as this goes a long way when speaking with employers. Lastly, don’t be afraid to follow up. If this is a position you are interested in and you haven’t heard back from them yet, a quick note can help to show your continued interest.
Lastly, don’t be afraid to follow up. If this is a person you are really interested in and you haven’t heard back from them yet, a quick note can help to show your continued interest.
Tip: Although we do offer pre-set messaging to help get the conversation going, it never hurts to create your own message or add onto the pre-set one to be unique and stand out.